Webinar: How to Survive the Agile Transformation Tsunami

Webinar: How to Survive the Agile Transformation Tsunami

Agile transformation not yet delivers the desired benefits.


Globalization and digitalization threaten traditional enterprises with extinction. And, while the agile transformation seems to come to the rescue of enterprises, it also dismantles outdated organizational structures. Independently of the approach – be it SAFe, Spotify, Domain-driven Design and DevOps or traditional Scrum – the agile tsunami causes collateral damage by e.g., washing away useful management processes and enterprise-wide synergies.


In this webinar, we will talk not only about the benefits, promises and typical short-comings of agile approaches but also show you solutions to combine the strengths of traditional companies with agile values. We merged the strengths of known frameworks like Togaf, Archimate and Co with agile best practices and actual business insights to create ‘Agile++’. With it, you will finally be able to tackle the challenges of the agile transformation and regain control over your enterprise-wide initiatives with ease.


The 5 critical success factors:

  • Managed Heterogeneity (cooperation between agile and non-agile teams)
  • IT/Business Alignment (strategic goals and dependencies)
  • Value Leadership (implementation of goals through personal leadership)
  • Seamless Collaboration (transparency and clarity in the communication)
  • Value-driven Controlling (planning of goals and resources, estimates, tracking)


On the one hand, you will obtain exclusive insights into an intuitive, light-weight and adaptive modelling framework that can be copy-pasted in almost any existing project environment to improve your e.g., requirements engineering, stakeholder and dependencies management or enterprise architecture with ease. On the other hand, you will receive first impressions on how we can help you e.g., to deliver successful lighthouse projects to ensure that your success stories are more than just lucky shots or sparklers in the long run.


Important note: While the presentation slides are in English, the Zoom-webinar will be held in German and English separately.


We are sorry, new event dates are being planned – contact us for a private session!

Publication: Digital Cookbook Series

Digital Transformation Cookbook Series

Digitalisation is highly relevant in our private and business lives, and it is better to face up to the changes it drives. Setting aside the sociological, cultural and macroeconomic changes driven by digitalisation in our societies, our focus here is on the microeconomic impacts on our businesses. It is probably the biggest upheaval for society and the economy in this century.

Altogether, Modelling for Digital, Managing for Digital and Digital in Action assist you in the shaping, planning and execution of a comprehensive transformation of the status quo (and you should not settle for less). It will accompany you and your business in meeting this challenge, to open up opportunities unthinkable even just a couple of years ago. It provides the context and best practices for such initiatives from a variety of industries, businesses and viewpoints, strategic, functional, operational, technical and executional.

It was a hell of a ride, but finally, we finished the reboot of the Digital Transformation Cookbook, and the whole #digitalcookbookseries is available on Amazon as an e-book and paperback version: Purchase here

Digital Cookbook Academy

Digital Cookbook Academy

Mit dem Digital Cookbook haben wir Entscheidern nicht nur ein umfassendes Nachlagewerk zum Thema Digitalisierung und der digitalen Transformation, sondern auch viele intuitive und einschlägige Methodiken sowie hilfreiche Anregungen an die Hand gegeben.

Und, nach unserer erfolgreichen Youtube-Serie zum Thema IT-Industrialisierung sowie in Anbetracht der aktuellen Lage, haben wir viele Anfragen erhalten, ob unsere Experten nicht auch innerhlab von Online-Workshops wichtige Themen wie Projektmanagement, Unternehmensarchitektur, Geschäftsmodellierung, Anforderungserstellung und vieles mehr adressieren können.

Wir haben lange darüber nachgedacht und uns dazu entschloßen eine Lernplattform auf die Beine zu stellen, um unsere Erfahrungen zu diesen Themen zu teilen. Dabei steht sowohl die Wietrbildung mit einem praktische Ansatz als auch der berufliche Wachstum bzw. die Schaffung von Karriermöglichkeiten für den Teilnehmer ganz klar im Vorderung!

Mehr unter: Digital Cookbook Academy

SOAPARK goes Youtube

Soapark Youtubechanel

Basierend auf unserer über fünfzehnjährigen Erfahrung in der digitalen Transformation und service-orientierten Architektur bieten wir unseren Kunden eine umfassende Fülle an Dienstleistungen – einschließlich Strategie- und Architekturberatung, Organisation, Geschäftsmodellierung, Compliance und Sicherheit, Methodenentwicklung und -schulung, Projekt und Programm Management und Implementierung.

Veränderungen sind unvermeidlich und so dachten wir uns, dass wir unsere Erkenntnisse aus verschiedenen Projekten auf eine moderne Art und Weise teilen sollten. Wir haben uns für ein adäquates Format entschieden und möchten stolz bekannt geben, dass wir ab sofort auf Youtube verfügbar sind.

Ab heute versorgen wir Euch  mit spannenden Informationen aus unseren täglichen Erfahrungen. Also, abbonieren und einschalten!

SOAPARK Website Re-launch

With the new year comes a new look and feel for our website. We have restructured our web presence to improve the user experience.
First of all, we added a section where we introduce SOAPARK as more than just a 0815-consulting company and underline we are the best fit for your digital initiative.

Furthermore, we added a section where we will present engaging video content to give you a better understanding of the challenges we are facing in the day-to-day business and share our recent experiences from our digitization projects. So, stay tuned!

In addition, we provide downloads of valuable insights like publications, case studies, checklists and much more to help you drive your digital journey.

Last but not least, now you can dive into our latest news or take a journey through our past.

Digital Cookbook Presentation in Zurich

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The Digital Cookbook addresses the most important questions of what may be the greatest upheaval for society and the economy in this century: “What exactly is digitization?”, “Why is the topic so important?”, “What is required for a successful digital transformation?” and above all “How exactly can this be implemented efficiently?”. These questions are answered in the Digital Cookbook with the help of articles and exciting case studies by over 60 pioneers and high-ranking decision-makers in the digital economy.

For this reason, MID, IPT and Salesforce brought together some of the most influential members of the digitization scene and authors of the Digital Cookbook for a professional exchange.

After a short introduction by the organizers, the evening offered ample opportunities to exchange ideas with the authors over food and drinks and to expand the personal and professional network.

When? Thursday, March 8th, 2018 – from 6 p.m.

Where? Smith and de Luma – Grubenstrasse 27, 8045 Zurich

Publication: Digital Cookbook – Essential Recipes for the Digital Journey of Enterprises

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Published in November 2017, this book addresses the needs of executives, senior managers, project managers and decision makers, who will or already have embarked on a digitalization initiative.


The main authors and over 50 guest authors provide the context and best practices for such initiatives from a variety of industries, businesses and viewpoints, strategic, functional, operational, technical and executional. We do not focus on a specific industry, but lay out general, abstracted characteristics of digitalization. The book is structured into four parts:

1. Why it is Important to Become Digital Right Now: The authors elaborate first, how digital empowers a new way of thinking in businesses. As a core effect of digitalization, enterprises gain robustness allowing them to better deal with a variety of complex challenges. Enterprises are forced to act in order to meet the immense competitive pressure.

2. What is a Digital Enterprise: The transformatory power of digitalization revolutionizes the way in which business is executed. A large variety of new business models appears. In addition to the opportunities arising for individual enterprises, new ecosystems of businesses evolve.

3. How to Become a Digital Enterprise: Digitalization requires nothing less than a comprehensive transformation of the business model. From the outset, the digitalization initiative must be launched and governed from the top due to its all-encompassing impact on the enterprise. The digital transformation is then getting shaped strategically.

4. How to Execute the Digital Transformation: Once the new digital business model is defined, the digital transformation is driven forward in various dimensions directing the relevant governance tools. We show specific areas of focus in finally executing such transformation initiatives.

Available on Amazon

Digital Enterprise Canvas: The Comprehensive Digitization Tool

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After the huge success of the Digital Cookbook the authors created a tool that can be used in the day-to-day work on a digital transformation  program. This Digital Canvas underlines the cookbook character of the book, providing you with an essence of the best practice approaches the authors have experienced, implemented and developed in their respective contexts. It is structured into the following sections:

1. Launching and Governing the Digital Transformation with the areas of action: “Take Decision”, “Enable Leadership”, “Mobilise”

2. Shaping the Digital Transformation with the areas of action: “Define Vision”, “Shape Target Enterprise Architecture”, “Define Transformation Plan”

3. Driving the Digital Transformation with the areas of action: “Inspire”, “Enable Organisation”, “Transform Portfolio”

4. Executing the Digital Transformation with the areas of action: “Project Methodology”, “Data, Analytics and Insights”, “Digital Trust”

Project: Digital Transformation Cookbook

It is the year 2017 and three IT pioneers follow the call for the urgent need of  a digital transformation compendium. From the depth of change management, a project arose….

For more details visit: https://digital-cookbook.com/

Public Workshop on Mobile Strategy

With the emergence of smartphones, tablet-PCs, and netbooks – mobile processes and applications belong more and more to our daily routine. But what are the benefits for the business and how can they be leveraged? This and other questions have been answered in our public workshop:

  • Bond with your customer on a personal level: On the one hand measurable success of traditional communication measures such as e-mails, letters, phone calls, and the like is shrinking. Mobile applications on the other hand allow you to get in contact with your customer immediately and individually.
  • Get your customers on board for the important decisions: Customers know best what they want. Increase the quality of your service and reduce the costs by smoothly involving the customer during supply, maintenance and selling processes.
  • Move closer to your collaborators wherever they are: External workers, assemblers, and suppliers require and provide data. Boost their mobility and avoid unnecessary administration by a direct and fairly processed connection.
  • Monitor processes and take action on the fly wherever you are: Do you want to control important processes of your company while being on a business trip or hustling  from meeting to meeting? Using new mobile app technologies, you get an overview of all your operations and straight forward access.

The introduction of mobile applications comes along with profound changes of the business model. The fact that the user – same as the customer, the external worker, the maintenance team – can move freely while data remains available opens up a pathway into a new dimension of the use of information technology.

For a successful introduction of mobile technology, it is essential to analyze the effects on the business model as well as the consequences for customer relations. Not until the preliminary work is done, implementation can start.

EIC / Munich: Secure Identity Federation

At EIC 2016 Dirk Krafzig speaks about Identity Federation which has become an essential business need to modernize IT landscapes. The focus to achieving Identity Federation often revolves around product solutions that attempt to solve identity federation with agents, adapters, and rip-and-replace environment disruption.

The session demonstrated how to achieve identity federation in a landscape of existing IdM systems, repositories, directory services, and other user information stores by unifying these capabilities via a federation services architecture tier. It shows how an enterprise can architect a federation solution to expose standard-based identity capabilities while leveraging existing architecture to reduce cost, and to reduce the burden of actual implementation and deployment.

Insight / Nürnberg: Digital Transformation

Dr. Dirk Krafzig gives a lecture on digitization at the Insight 2016. The contribution: “Digital Transformation at the Interface Between Strategy and Execution” precedes the basic idea that the implementation of a digital strategy causes great challenges for CIO organizations. On the one hand it is necessary to obtain a complete picture of the pre-digital landscape and the desired target architecture in order to establish a serious and sustainable planning. On the other hand, this planning must occur without compromising the required quality at blistering speed.

He presents a methodology which unites speed and sustainability in the planning of the digital transformation. The starting point is the modelling of the digital business model and the resulting services which are successively broken down into IT functions. The methodology allows the participation of a wide range of stakeholders in the modelling process including the executives in the business, users, analysts, the CIO, and IT architects.

EIC / Munich: Foundations of API Security and API Gateway Technology

Dr. Dirk Krafzig from SOAPARK, Mamoon Yunus and Jason Macy from Forum Systems joined together in  holding the workshop: “The Foundations of API Security and API Gateway Technology”. This workshop explores API gateway technology:

  • Implementation of a modern and secure infrastructure
  • Use of API Gateway technology to achieve business agility and information security
  • Modernization of legacy and existing services
  • Centralization of identity management (including SAML and OAuth)
  • Modern access control strategies

SOA | BPM Integration Days / Munich: SOA-Security

Dr. Dirk Krafzig is attending the SOA / BPM Integration Days in Munich to offer a workshop dealing with the subject of “SOA-Security”. In cooperation with the CEO of Crosscheck Networks, Mamoon Yunus, Dr. Dirk Krafzig is analyzing the numerous dangers for enterprise networks that are related to the progressing trends of BYOD-guidelines and Cloud Computing. The intention of the workshop is to present tools for setting up an effective strategy of SOA-Security based on the industry standards.

DAMA, Stockholm: Enterprise SOA

Dirk Krafzig presents at DAMA conference in Stockholm: The ideas behind SOA are still relevant and now growing again! Dirk Krafzig is one of few experts that understood early on the reusability based on the assignment of entities to data-centric services. This has a major impact on the resulting applications described in his book “Enterprise SOA”. The picture shows Dirk Krafzig and Eskil Swende. Eskil is the host of the DAMA conference and partner at IRM, a Swedish provider of consulting services in the field of Enterprise Architecture.

For more details visit: http://www.irm.se/eatr40

SOA | BPM Integration Days / Munich: SOA Security Overview

Mamoon Yunus from Crosscheck Networks and Dr. Dirk Krafzig from SOAPARK explain in their presentation “SOA Security Overview” the basics of SOA security such as service virtualization, confidentiality and integrity as well as access controls. These techniques are the basis for a truly trustworthy Enterprise SOA.

SOA | BPM Integration Days / Munich: SOA Security Hands-on

Dr. Dirk Krafzig from SOAPARK and Mamoon Yunus from Crosscheck Networks held a Power Workshop on the subject “SOA Security Hands-on” at the SOA | BPM Integration Days 2012 in Munich. The increasing SOA-fication of traditional application landscapes inspires two contradictory tendencies in companies, namely the opening of internal systems to access by external applications on the one hand and the closing of the same applications for the protection of critical business data on the other. Simple integration mechanisms which effortlessly incorporate security considerations are therefore decisive for the success of an Enterprise SOA initiative in practice. In the “SOA Security Hands-on” workshop, participants learn SOA security principles, common industry standards and practical application scenarios.

SOA | BPM Integration Days / Düsseldorf: Service Modelling

Markus Mazur from SOAPARK held an extended Power Workshop at the second SOA | BPM Integration Days in autumn 2011 with a focus on service modeling. As at the beginning of a design process many people who prefer informal presentation forms are involved, this must also be reflected in the process. It must also be considered that modelling in a formal notation like UML, BPMN or WSDL includes a certain degree of precision that cannot be achieved at an early stage of the design process. The modelling of alternative scenarios, rejections and improvements etc. must follow quickly and simply and be immediately understandable for all participants.

As a result, the design process of a SOA proceeds in two stages: an informal (paper and PowerPoint) and a formal (UML, BPMN and WSDL) phase. The right moment for the changeover from the informal to the formal design must be found based on the concrete organisation. The “SOA Modelling” workshop considers these aspects and provides the participant with a consistent methodology that is tested in numerous exercises during the workshop.

Seminar / Frankfurt: Service Modelling

In December 2010 Markus Mazur and Oliver Mahnke delivered a SOA Modelling seminar in Frankfurt. The seminar which was aimed at analysts and IT architects included the correct tailoring of the services and the modelling of the service contracts. In many individual and group exercises the participants had the possibility to translate technical examples into concrete designs.

Thomas Erl’s SOASchool.com / Hamburg: Certified SOA Architect

SOAPARK has successfully completed the first German seminar from Thomas Erl’s SOASchool.com curriculum in Hamburg. For an entire week, the numerous international participants worked on the modules of the “Certified SOA Architect” course and learned to apply the acquired knowledge in a wide range of case studies.

Both the participants and the instructors, Dr. Dirk Krafzig and Markus Mazur, had a lot of fun and learned a lot.